My grandfather Krång-Johan Eriksson, locally better known as “KJ”, was born in 1889 and died at the age of 75 in 1964 when I was five years old. My memories of him are vague and mostly consist of stories I’ve been told and visual impressions from old photos.
These days I am currently renovating and rebuilding my sports cabin that he built north of Mora in Bösjön, in the 1930s. The timber frame is old and the oldest inscriptions on the logs are from 1785. Inside the cabin, there is an old mirror that I am particularly fond of, with a frame grandfather once upon a time made of Masur birch wood, intended for knife handles. The mirror has now been given a new glass as the old one could no longer be reflected in. I consider this mirror frame as one of my personal artifacts from my grandfather and with a special piece of knife history inherited in the wooden frame.
Anders Zorn & Morakniv
The artist Anders Zorn is probably quite familiar to most Swedes but also known abroad…
Mirror, mirror on the wall…
My grandfather Krång-Johan Eriksson, locally better known as “KJ”, was born in 1889 and died…
The knife in the tree
In the spring of 2017, during our first Morakniv Adventure, we were out in the…