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Free shipping above 1000 SEK /100 EUR /100 USDSecure payments Stripe | PayPal | KlarnaKnives made in Mora, Sweden

In the spring of 2017, during our first Morakniv Adventure, we were out in the woods just north of Mora. There were several adventurers who asked me about old knives and how we could recognize the various local manufacturers who have been active here in Mora and also the time period they came from. During a lunch break, one of the participants needed to go away for himself and walked a bit into the forest. As he stood there doing his business he saw an old knife stuck into a tree next to him. The knife was rusty, ugly, and had remnants of white paint on the blade. He came back to the camp and showed me the knife and said a little teasingly “let’s see what you can tell us about this knife.”

I took the knife and asked if I could try to scrape away the rust to reveal the stamped name on the blade. It started to get really interesting because when we scraped the blade, there was no stamp there so I mentioned that about 100 years ago the stamp side was changed from the left side of the blade to the right side on these classic knives from Mora. Said and done, I turned the knife around and found the stamp C. ANDERSSON, MORA, under the paint, which also proves the era to be before 1920-25 when SWEDEN was added as the exports had become significant. We were then able to establish that the find was a more than 100-year-old classic Morakniv from one of the early local knife pioneers, named Carl Andersson, a knife manufacturer that KJ Eriksson (later Morakniv) bought in 1961 and thus one of the four local knife manufacturers whose DNA lives on in today’s Morakniv.