Press information

Press information

Welcome to Morakniv’s press page!

Welcome to Morakniv’s press page!

Here we have gathered the latest product news, company announcements, and press releases. In our media portal, you can find high-resolution images and logos; please contact us for login details. .
Thank you for following and reporting on Morakniv’s journey.

Here we have gathered the latest product news, company announcements, and press releases. In our media portal, you can find high-resolution images and logos; please contact us for login details. .
Thank you for following and reporting on Morakniv’s journey.

To our media portal

Design philosophy

Design philosophy

Sustainability at Morakniv

Sustainability at Morakniv

Here you will find everything about our sustainability efforts, our manufacturing, and our materials.

Here you will find everything about our sustainability efforts, our manufacturing, and our materials.

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