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Free shipping above 1000 SEK /100 EUR /100 USDSecure payments Stripe | PayPal | KlarnaKnives made in Mora, Sweden

As part of an ongoing strategic renewal, Morakniv is launching a new visual identity. The new platform, public as of December 8, 2022, is built on highlighting the iconic red color to connect with company history. To honor and protect legacy and traditions, a new manifest is crafted, including but not limited to the new tagline Quality takes no shortcuts.

“Our new identity is signaling strategic changes”, explains Johan Burtus, CEO, and continues: “We are increasing our efforts in the area of sustainability, both regarding environmental and social aspects. Further, we are working closely with our partners all over the world to strengthen our collaboration and common business, where increased focus on innovation is a good example. Yet, we are acting with care to protect our legacy and traditions where a humble approach towards colors, design and especially quality is important to have in mind. Our brand shall be perceived as both modern and traditional.”

”Our customers and users will notice the new identity in various online channels but also on packaging and in catalogues. Soon we are launching a product series where packaging design is customized to meet our new identity, while also considering customer feedback and requirements regarding design and safety. Packaging on current products will be consumed in full prior to changing their design, which illustrates our efforts to be a sustainable and responsible company”, Johan Burtus summarizes.

A Morakniv is always made in Mora

The journey for Morakniv begins in 1891 when Frost-Erik Erson returned home to the village Östnor in Mora after four years in North America. When he started his timber sledge factory, the first seed was sown for what would eventually become the company and brand Morakniv as we know it today.

In the beginning, Frost-Erik only manufactured knives for the factory’s internal use, but production would soon grow and more and more knives could be sent out in both Sweden and the world. Today, Morakniv has sales of almost SEK 200 million, of which over 70% are sold outside Sweden.