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Free shipping above 1000 SEK /100 EUR /100 USDSecure payments Stripe | PayPal | KlarnaKnives made in Mora, Sweden

The Morakniv 130-year Anniversary also marks the 30-year jubilee of the legendary Mora 2000. Introducing the new Mora 2000 (S) Anniversary Edition – a true collector’s item. The very first factory run made knives are marked with a number between 1-130 and is now available in our stores. Made in Sweden, refined from our iconic past.

The story of Mora 2000 begins back in the 90’s when a Norwegian hunter wished for an all-round knife that could work as a multi-functional tool for the upcoming moose hunt. A knife that could perform in a hunter’s environment as well as cutting loaf, spreading butter and slicing sausages during the lunch break.

When the knife was launched nearly a decade before the great imminent millennium in 1991, it was given the futuristic name Mora 2000. Since then, it has become a true classic amongst knife users around the world. Thirty years have now passed and the Anniversary Edition is our tribute to the original knife.

To mention a great milestone, The Swedish Armed Forces have been, and still are, one of our most loyal customers to the original green coloured Mora 2000. Not only because it is a highly-functional and reliable tool, it also matches the Swedish soldiers camouflage and is Swedish made.

“There have been small changes in the design and material of the knife over the years, most of them probably not noticeable, apart from the coloured handles and the blade stamps. This characteristic knife, engraved with the years of Morakniv 1891 – 2021 is a must for the outdoor enthusiast’s next adventure” says Thomas Johansson, Industrial Designer at Morakniv.

The Mora 2000 (S) Anniversary Edition will only be produced during 2021.

To highlight this special year, we proudly present a new website for our anniversary. Join the celebrations at!