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Classic No. 1/0 (C)

Original price was: 339,00 SEK.Current price is: 305,10 SEK.
(5 customer reviews)

This genuine classic craft knife has been part of the Swedish craft tradition for over a century. With a barrel-shaped red-stained birch handle and a 2.0 mm thick carbon steel blade, no task is impossible.

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SKU: 13603
Category: ,
Classic Mångberg 190919 157 scaled

New Morakniv Classic knives vs previous

The previous Morakniv Classic No. 1 and No. 2 had a glued tang, something that was due to that we used the same blade for the Morakniv 510, old Morakniv 511 and the HighQ collection (same blade as Classic No 1) as well as for the Morakniv 521, Morakniv 711, Morakniv 911, Morakniv Companion and more that had the same blade as the Morakniv Classic No. 2. The new collection Morakniv Classic knives have a full rat-tail tang that runs through the handle completely and is riveted at the back-end. You can also see some traces from the woodturning machine making the handles, as its previous version had a cross pressed into the wood to get the torque when milling the handle. It has been replaced with a diamond-like shape that we refer to as our rhomb, a design pattern on our knives.

The edge angles and blade shapes are basically the same, only the new Morakniv Classic No 3 has a slightly shorter blade, than the previous one.

Also keep in mind that the sizes and shapes always have varied some between the different knife manufacturers and also over time, and as we are the only ones left we made our new Morakniv Classic knives to honour all the knife manufacturers that ever was in Mora.