Press releases

Press releases

Here we have gathered news and press releases that were released during the current and previous years. For more information or to request access to our media platform, please reach out to

Here we have gathered news and press releases that were released during the current and previous years. For more information or to request access to our media platform, please reach out to

Adam Thulin - Morakniv Classic 1891 Köksknivar

Razor-sharp Swedish quality in the new Morakniv Classic 1891 with Tormek Sharpening!

Explore Classic 1891

Adam Thulin - Morakniv Classic 1891 Köksknivar

Morakniv Classic 1891 is launched with renowned chef Adam Thulin leading the way!

The incredibly popular kitchen knives that always inspire culinary experience are finally back. The new…

Morakniv köksknivar 1891 hela kockkniv

Meet the autumn flavors with Classic 1891 kitchen knives

Our immensely popular kitchen knives are making a highly anticipated return to the collection after…

Basic 546 SE miljö

Sharp innovation for the future

The Morakniv Basic 546 SE (S) is a collaboration between four Swedish manufacturers.

Richard Jägrud ny VD på Morakniv

New CEO of Morakniv AB

The board of Morakniv AB has appointed Richard Jägrud as the new Chief Executive Officer…

Morakniv Junior Management Team 2024

Morakniv Junior Management Team 2024

Vi presenterar stolt årets juniora ledningsgrupp och hälsar fem vassa stjärnor varmt välkomna till Morakniv.…

The Ash Wood Outdoor Collection

Morakniv Ash Wood Outdoor Collection win prestigious iF Design Award 2024

Morakniv has once again received international recognition for its knife collection in the discipline Product…

Thomas Eriksson i Masdräkten.

New Morakniv Basic 511 & 546 Colour of the Year 2024: Lovely traditions from Mora

This year’s colours come from the Mora folk dress of the 17th century, which is…

Magnus Trolander tillbaka på Morakniv

Med ett nytt år kommer nya möjligheter och nu står det klart att Magnus Trolander…

Morakniv is a three-time winner in the Swedish Design Awards 2023

Morakniv in collaboration with the brand agency Identity Works wins gold in the prestigious categories…

New knife series Hunting: Sharp knives during and after the hunt

Morakniv proudly presents a complete new hunting range, including nine different products that can come…

Adam Thulin new brand ambassador for Morakniv

Ahead of the summer’s culinary food experiences, Morakniv is pleased to present chef Adam Thulin…

Morakniv launches ”The King’s Knife” in a limited edition

This year, Morakniv highlights that the H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf in 2023 celebrates 50…

Återkomsten av slöjdknivar i laminerat kolstål: Här för att stanna 

Från och med den 11 april 2023 är vi glada att kunna meddela att våra…

New Ash Wood Outdoor Collection: The greatest collection of outdoor knives from Morakniv in decades

Today, on March 2, 2023, we are proud to present a new generation of four…