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I get many questions regarding edge angles in various forums and therefore thought I could tell you why we have the edge angles that we have. A guideline for our Craft and Outdoor knives are that most knives up to 2.5 mm blade thickness usually have a total edge angle of 23 degrees, about 11.5 degrees per side.

Blades thicker than 2.5 mm usually have a total edge angle of 27 degrees, about 13.5 degrees per side. Most of our knives have the True Scandi Grind that includes the typical micro bevel of a total edge angle of about 35-45° which is about 0.05 – 0.5 mm high to make the edge less fragile and with better edge retention.

Looking at knives such as a Companion or Mora 2000 with the bare eye, we cannot see the micro bevel line as the polishing rounded off all the lines. If you look at our knives with a 90-degree sharp angle for fire starters, the micro bevel line appears all the more clearly.

We also have a knife edge called Scandi Grind Zero that has no micro bevel and therefore has a slightly more aggressive and friendly edge to woodcarving, but in need of more maintenance. Scandi Grind Zero can be found on our woodcarving knives 106, 120 and 122 as well as the stainless steel knives Pro Precision and Carving Basic.

If we look at the food industry knives, the total edge angles are everything from about 25 degrees all the way up to 45 degrees, depending what the knife is intended to be used for.

I would also like to take the opportunity to mention that I believe that everyone is free to choose how they best adapt the edge of their knives to what best suits the intended tasks. The edge our knives have from the factory in Mora is what it is meant to suit most areas of use, but we fully understand that there are other times when other edge angles will suit better. For those of you who sharpen your knives yourself, I would like to remind you of the need to strop the edges after sharpening so that all remaining burrs are removed. Compare the leather belt-stropping process to what barbers used to do before shaving. If you do not have a belt strop, you can use the back of your leather belt, preferably in combination with a little polishing paste such as Autosol chrom gloss, that often can be found in well-stocked stores. Finally, I ask you not to confuse the typical American 1-3 mm high secondary bevel with the Morakniv micro bevel that has widely differing areas of use and characteristics.